Evidence/Photo Gallery

As we discussed in our thesis statement, the dropping of the atomic bomb was completely unjust because of the amount of innocent lives which were lost (which ranged anywhere between 45,000 and 200,000). The fact that both the government and the League of Nations had said that it was wrong to bomb civilians only  further proves that the bombing was unjust and wrong. The effects of dropping the bomb were disastarous, cruel, and deadly such as the radiation which led to illness and eventual death, and the fact that Japan was about to surrender to the United States proves that the dropping of the bomb was completly unjust, and the United States should  not have dropped the bomb and caused all of the destruction it did for these very reasons.

This is a picture of Fat Man which was the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki.  Fat man missed its target by over a mile, however the bomb still destroyed half of Nagasaki.  About 40,000 people died instantly from the explosion, and another 25,000 plus was injured from the bomb.  A year after the Fat Man was dropped, the death toll was pushed up to 70,000 civilians as a result of the radiation poisoning and deaths that were related to injuries caused by the bomb.  A lady who was there at the time of the bombing said "I saw so many dead people...so many walking with the skin off of their faces and hands, so many with their faces terribly bloated"
This is a picture of a young girl with her skin hanging in strips off her body.  She was a young girl walking around her hometown of Nagasaki when Fat Man went off and she was unfortunately subjected to the disasterous effects of the bomb.

The second bomb which was dropped was Little Boy  which was dropped on the city of Hiroshima.  Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima just three days  before Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki.  Unlike Fat Man, Little Boy was not tested in advance so neither the scientists nor the military had no idea how much destruction the bomb was capable of creating.  The damage created by Little Boy came from three main sources, blast, fire, and radiation.  The initial blast of the bomb was so powerful that its first initial shock which was the first sign of any damage sent the buildings in the affected area of Hiroshima into an immidiate collape and were destroyed in seconds. (Shown Below)
After the blast created by Little boy, was the second source of destruction which was fire.  The "fireball" had a span of 2 miles and burnt everything within the 2 mile radius including people and buildings.  Because of the fire it is difficult to determine the exact number of casualties caused by the dropping of the bomb because so many civilians were creamated instantly and their remains would never be found.  Below is a map of Hiroshima where the fire damage is shown in red.
The final major source of destruction created by Little Boy was the radiation damage.  No one died instanly from lethal radiation because anyone who would have been close enough to die immediately from the radiaton was killed from the fire.  Unfortunately, many people far away from where the bomb was dropped were sunjected to injuries and eventual death by the radiation.

This is a link to a video which overviews the evidence of the destruction caused by the dropping of the atomic boms and helps to prove that the dropping of the atomic bomb by the United States on Japan was unjust:

Here is a link of a re-enactment of the atomic bomb that was unjustly dropped on Japan:

The Final Count:
Unfortunately, between all of the destruction and chaos caused by the dropping of the atomic bombs, and the actual number of deaths will be forever a mystery, however this chart shows an approximate amount of casualties as a direst result of the bomb

This chart might be small and a little hard to read, however it says that the estimated population in Hiroshima at the time of the bombing was 330,000 people before August 6 1945 when the bomb was dropped, and by December 1945, there were and estimated 90,000-120,000 deaths.  On the right side it shows that before August 9, 1945 when Fat Man was dropped there were an estimated 250,000 people and by December 1945 only five months later there were an estimated 60,00-80,000 deaths.  Although it seems like the larger bomb, Fat Man, would do the most damage and have the most deaths, that was not the case and as it worked out, the smaller bomb, Little Boy, was responsible for a significantly larger number of casualties.

Here is a link of a podcast in which FDR releases the infromation the the United States is in war with the Japanese after the dropping of the Atomic Bomb:

Podcast Spoke By President Truman on the Bombing of Hiroshima: http://www.hark.com/clips/tgbqxxqcjs-truman-on-hiroshima

Destroyed religious figures which are on a hill aboved a tattered valley in nagasaki
A Japanese soldier walks through an area which has beed completely leveled as a result of Little Boy being dropped on Hiroshima
These burns are the effect of the radiation on human flesh
The victims of the bomb drop in Hiroshima are subjected to live in a fly infested hospital.
(At least they can say they are alive)
Survivers of Fat Man in Nagasaki walk down the street after the bob was dropped.  Little do they know that they are being subjected to the radiation effects, so although they are fine now, in a few months most of the "survivors" will be dead
This column of smoke rose over 60,000 feet above Nagasaki.  The bomb (Fat Man) was dropped from a B-29

This document is a letter from Henry L. Stimson, the Secretary of War to President Harry S. Truman on April 24, 2945 regarding a top secret matter that had gone undiscussed for too long.
 This document is a letter from Major General Leslie R. Groves to Secretary Stimson to set forth the Manhatten Project. Shortly after the end of the war in Europe, a test device was ready. The separation of the uranium isotope U-235 was done in the United States for safety reasons Shortly after the test explosion, Major General Groves sent this report to Secretary Stimson.
This letter was written from President Truman to his wife about his Conference in Potsdam. Little did spies know, that all the information they needed was right there in the mailbox.
The translation of this letter goes as follows: SecWar Reply to your 41011 suggestions approved. Release when ready but not sooner than August 2. HST.
This letter was from Senator Richard B. Russell to the president. This letter talked about the accounts of the developement of the bomb and a telegram was also sent to Truman about giving advice on how to deal with Japan.
Article from the Newspaper titled "If the Atomic Bomb Had Not Been Used" By: Karl T. Compton. He sent a copy of this article to President Truman who read it with enthusiastic approval.
President Truman's letter to Professor Cate explaining that the testing of the atomic bomb was successful.